I hope you all had an amazing Summer, and are settling back into your Fall routine.
For me, I tend to think of September as the "beginning" of the year...the weather is changing, kids go back to school, the fun and carefree days of summer are behind us. January does not have the same shift in my mind - same weather, nothing shifts inside me from December to January. Maybe I am alone here!
On September 30th, the newly formed Sewing Studio will be officially TWO years old. Can you believe it?
I have spent some time thinking about the beginning, and the baby steps I have taken during these last two years. So much has evolved, so many changes, but in my typical personality I see all that STILL needs to evolve and get better.
I have to remind myself that just over two years ago, I came home from work to find a 28' moving van in my drive unloading years of inventory, bolts of fabric, rolls of untouched fabric, tubs of pre-cut fabric, boxes of patterns and books....so much that I avoided my Studio for a couple of weeks. It was all too overwhelming.
I knew NOTHING about transferring a domain name, re-building a website (the former site was on a platform that was no longer supported) finding all the vendors, what the heck was "BLOGGING", I had photography skills from my college black and white days (SLR cameras only!), shipping was a total mystery...you get the idea. Oh, and I have a "real" job that keeps me busy 55- 60+ hours each week. When I look back, there is a part of me that is sheepish at how naive I was and also how brave I was! Most of all I want to say a very heartfelt "thank you" to those of you that have been supportive - former Sewing Studio customers, and new customers alike. It has been a bit bumpy, snags and all - but thank you for coming along on this journey with me!
I am planning something special to celebrate September 30th - so watch your emails, and social media for the only way I can share my appreciation for your support over the past two years!
I am SO excited to share my new "Partner" in crime - Beatrice!

The owners of Beatrice Forms, Alison and Nathan, are the MOST patient and kind couple - they stuck with me as I failed to do the body scan correctly, got distracted with life, then changed my weight by 20+ pounds and tried all over again. Beatrice Forms will change your thinking about fit, and help you work on the adjustments needed without having a sewing partner in the room!
When you are ready to invest in a "sewing buddy", go to Beatrice Forms and get a dress form that looks just like you! Spoonflower just awarded Beatrice Forms their 2019 Small Business Grant - well deserved!
I must say, I danced around her a bit in the first few days. I rubbed her belly, checked out her, thicker than I thought, mid section, and stepped around her a bit awkwardly. We have become friends now - in fact you will notice that she appears in many of the NEW fabric style photos! She is NOT camera shy and has a pretty good sense of color and style! I would love to hear what you think about her spot in the Sewing Studio.
Through the summer and fall I have continued to add more inventory, maybe too much? I am having a ball sourcing "Deadstock" fabrics.
I have had a few questions about, "what is deadstock". I found a great definition from LA dress maker, Christy Dawn, "Deadstock fabrics are the left over fabrics of fashion houses who overestimated their needs. Traditionally, brands would hold on to their excess fabrics for a few seasons and then send them to landfills"
Scary as that sounds, it is a real truth that 20% of the world's industrial water pollution is caused by the fashion industry. Over 8000 toxic chemicals are used to turn raw materials into textiles we all end up wearing. In America alone, we send over 11 million tons of textiles to landfills each year.
Bottom line is that you can always buy new fabric, and I will continue to carry some of the basics that can be restocked. However, I enjoy the hunt for a treasure in the midst of this crazy textile world. Often I can only get a small quantity, I won't always know the exact content and will likely not be able to restock - but the treasures can be AMAZING! I love to be able to offer you quality fabrics at a terrific price. It is a win/win - you get the beautiful fabric and together we help reduce the pollution in the planet, and the landfills are not impacted by these gems.
Feel free to message me and let me know if you are looking for something specific - I enjoy the challenge!

While I am sharing about Deadstock, make sure you check out the fabrics in the NEW category on the site!
There are some great values on the Wool - many of these came from an upscale fabric shop in New York that went out of business. These wool fabrics sold for up to $100/yard! Many of these are from Italy, and the quality is the best!
You will find a huge addition of Rayon Crepes - these were from an Los Angeles garment manufacturer, and excess for their orders! Quality is wonderful and prints are stunning!
The current deadstock inventory, will not be re-stocked. A few of my favorites are gone already....I need to learn to grab a yard or two before I post!
As I write this there are 90 days until Christmas...yep, it's the truth!
Watch our NEW fabrics in the next week...there are some special fabrics for a holiday outfit or two!
Who does not end up sewing at least ONE holiday special? I have to be honest, I typically wait until a few days before the party/dinner/event and start to panic and stress - lose a bit of sleep, drink too much coffee, and watch my blood pressure peak! Promising myself that I will NOT do this next year!
If you want to honor last years promise, grab a fun statement piece and sew yourself a dress, cami, culotte or whatever....I promise you will not miss the stress and your body will do fine without the caffeine.
P.S. don't forget the gifts for family and friends...you know the apron you promised, or the top you know your girlfriend will be over the moon about. Don't make yourself crazy and wait until December 10th to start! (advice I will likely not follow myself!)
I hope you find a sense of peace this fall and enjoy your sewing journey - please let me know how I can help support you!