What's New...
We are flying toward the holidays ~ when I turn the calendar to November 1st, the panic starts. We have 4 family birthday days this month, Thanksgiving and then the race towards Christmas. It starts feeling a bit extra chaotic. Every year I promise myself I will be more organized, slow things down so I can enjoy these times, and stop the craziness... will this be the year I have success?
In the Studio you will be seeing new fabrics arrive weekly. These are sourced from a fun and successful trip to Los Angeles to source more deadstock (see wool coatings above) a fun partnership with Lindsey Rae of "Sew to Grow" to bring the USA some of her original designs, a new deadstock vendor offering fabrics from France and Italy, and re-stocking of your favorite staples. You will want to check in frequently, and watch Instagram for updates, we have some more goodness coming.
Other things that have grabbed my attention...
I was gifted a book, Laundry Love, Finding Joy in a Common Chore, which at first I thought would be dry and a bit ho-hum. Seriously, what could I learn? Laundry has been a part of my daily chores for y-e-a-r-s! Put this on your Holiday Gift list....your sewing friends all need a copy, anyone with children that make messes (!), those that want to stop spending money at the dry cleaner and make clothes last longer. Let's face it, my family has always affectionately referred to the laundry room as "My Room", it is where I seem to spend a LOT of time. Learning some new tricks, laundry hacks and ways to save a few $....grab a copy and let me know if you agree.
I am always in awe of those with amazing artistic talent. The joy and beauty can change an entire town...check out how this Spanish town has embraced the beauty of embroidery on the exterior of the whitewashed buildings. Raquel Rodrigo has such love for her art and her community! Anyone else want to plan a trip to Valencia soon?
It seems fashion lessons always come back around...and the Newly Reissued 1956 book, What Shall I Wear, spotlighted in this Vogue article is a perfect example. I wish Claire McCardell were still here today, I think we could be friends. One of my favorite things she shares, "If the shoe hurts, give it away." Amen!
We are just wrapping up Breast Cancer Awareness month. Here journalist, Katie Couric, shares her diagnosis and the following treatments she has had to date...The day I found out I had breast cancer. You need to know if you have dense breasts that make it difficult for mammograms to detect abnormalities (45% of American women do!). Learn if you are in a state that does not require insurance companies to participate in the costs of breast ultra sounds. As a second shout out if you are on Instagram follow my friend, Denise,@h.o.m.u.n.c.u.l.u.s Denise is honest and open about her breast cancer experiences. This affects us all.
Many of you know that Sewing Studio is my "Side-hustle" and offers me a place to enjoy creativity and community. My "real" job, or career, places me in a leadership role in an ever changing real estate driven world. My office is located in downtown Portland, Oregon... many of you have seen the chaos of these past years, the homelessness is a real struggle. In my efforts to find the "perfect" holiday gift for my team, as well as give back to those less fortunate...I landed on this amazing company that is based right here in Oregon. Sackcloth & Ashes. Each of my team members will receive a blanket this holiday season, shhh...don't tell them. I am especially excited to have a second gift to the homeless shelters in our community. Bonus, each of these blankets are made in Italy with 75%-100% recycled materials~ you know my passion to reduce landfill waste. Check them out and maybe you can cross off a few gifts from your list too!
We did add the latest patterns from Closet Core - Mitchell Pant and Nicks Dress + Blouse, and I am happy to report we now have the paper pattern for Sew House Seven Sauvie Sundress in both the Standard Size and Curvy Sizes. Take a look at the latest Capsule Wardrobe pattern by Megan Nielsen - Protea Capsule. If you have not given this amazing Cotton Linen Blend - Texture Stripe a look, you should...it is perfect for a million garments~ all four colors give you many garment options.
I will be back soon with the annual update on perfect last minute sewing project for your Holiday Gift Giving. (You can always look back at Holidays 2021 for some ideas).
I love to hear all your ideas and thoughts about fabric and sewing.
Sewing Studio